VFTTC offers closing services to both purchasers and sellers of fractional and timeshare real estate and assists clients with implementing their succession plans, including transfers to trusts. VFTTC uses resort specific standardized contracts, deeds, and other documents to make the closing process as efficient as possible.

The vast majority of VFTTC’s closings take place by mail, but we do have an office in Stowe, Vermont where closings can take place should either of the parties choose.    We have represented sellers and purchasers from all over the globe.  Most often documents are sent electronically for printing and execution, and then returned to us in Vermont for processing.

Title insurance for most resorts is available directly through VFTTC.  VFTTC is able to arrange ancillary services, such as obtaining court authorization to transfer a fractional or timeshare interest from a probate estate.  We can also obtain legal, probate, or other services through Stackpole & French Law Offices or work with another qualified professional, subject to applicable conflict of interest rules.